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Pre- and In-Hospital Emergency Care

Thu, 28 Nov


Sicredi Auditorium

- Registration: 1kg of non-perishable food - EXCEPT SALT (take on the day of the Event) Confirmation of attendance: 67 9 9213 9321

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Pre- and In-Hospital Emergency Care
Pre- and In-Hospital Emergency Care

Time & Location

28 Nov 2019, 18:00

Sicredi Auditorium, Av. Afonso Pena, 2790 - Centro, Campo Grande - MS, 79002-075, Brazil

About the event

- Registration: 1kg of non-perishable food - EXCEPT SALT (take on the day of the Event)

19h - The beneficial aspects of the relationship between pre-hospital and intra-hospital care. A systemic approach.

Marcel dos Santos Nobre


Specialist in Urgency and Emergency Intra and Prehospital

Interventionist nurse at Samu CG

Nurse motorcycle rescuer.

Coordinator of the postgraduate course in Urgency and Emergency / CTI at Faculdade Novoeste

8:30 pm - Assistance to trauma in the emergency room

Clayton de Oliveira

Specialist Nurse in Urgency and Emergency

APH Instructor

Dr. Gabriel Martin Lauar

Trauma Surgeon

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Alguns de nossos serviços


Ressonância Magnética, Tomografia, Endoscopia, Raio-X, Ultrassom, Teste ergométrico, Holter, MAPA, Ecocardiografia, Hemodinâmica e mais.

Encontre um médico
e marque sua consulta:
Cardiologista, Neuro, Otorrino, Gineco, Gastro, Urologista e mais especialidades para auxiliar na prevenção, controle e tratamento à sua saúde



Oferecemos atendimento 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, em três unidades, sendo duas delas dedicadas ao atendimento adulto e uma ao atendimento pediátrico.

Linha de cuidado aos pacientes com 60 anos ou mais, com fisioterapeuta, fonoaudiólogo, nutricionista, geriatra, cardiologista e enfermeira, que acompanham a saúde e planejam com o paciente a jornada de cuidados

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Technical director

Joanna Beatriz Curado Elias

CRM-MS 6300

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