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Proncor Hospital

Electrocardiogram in Campo Grande / MS

Electrocardiogram exam

O que é?
Electrocardiogram | Proncor Hospital

The electrocardiogram (ECG) is made with a device connected to electrodes that assesses the rhythm of the heartbeat at rest. It is a very simple exam, used routinely both in the screening of emergency rooms and in preventive checkups requested by the cardiologist. If after your consultation the doctor requests the electrocardiogram exam, you can do it at the Proncor Hospital, for an affordable price, agility and efficiency in delivery.

If necessary, you can count on several other tests at our Diagnostic Examination Center , which has a reduced fasting time, new devices, online results, emergency delivery and 24h exams. In addition to having hospital support and specialized technical staff. Everything quickly and easily.

About the Electrocardiogram

What is it for

The goal is to see if there is any failure in the electrical conduction through the heart. That is, if there are blocks or parts of the muscle that are not moving as they should, which can signal heart problems. The electro is widely used to catch arrhythmias and tachycardias or bradycardias, when the chest beats too fast or too slowly, respectively. But it is an initial test. That is, he points out possible suspicions, which must be confirmed with other tests.

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How is done

The individual lies on a stretcher and the doctor spreads electrodes to check the electrical impulses from different areas of the heart. The oscillation captured is conducted to the electrocardiograph, a device that for about five minutes records the information in graphics printed on a paper roll.

Cirurgiões durante a operação
What are the health insurance plans and plans attended to?

Proncor Hospital is a hospital in Campo Grande / MS that serves a wide list of health plans and health plans. Click here to check it out.




Alguns de nossos serviços


Ressonância Magnética, Tomografia, Endoscopia, Raio-X, Ultrassom, Teste ergométrico, Holter, MAPA, Ecocardiografia, Hemodinâmica e mais.

Encontre um médico
e marque sua consulta:
Cardiologista, Neuro, Otorrino, Gineco, Gastro, Urologista e mais especialidades para auxiliar na prevenção, controle e tratamento à sua saúde



Oferecemos atendimento 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, em três unidades, sendo duas delas dedicadas ao atendimento adulto e uma ao atendimento pediátrico.

Linha de cuidado aos pacientes com 60 anos ou mais, com fisioterapeuta, fonoaudiólogo, nutricionista, geriatra, cardiologista e enfermeira, que acompanham a saúde e planejam com o paciente a jornada de cuidados

Proncor Hospital | CNPJ 03.121.241 / 0001-87 | Campo Grande / MS | Made by | All rights reserved © 2020

Technical director

Joanna Beatriz Curado Elias

CRM-MS 6300

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