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How long does the anesthesia last? Can I drink water? It hurts?
Doubts are common! Especially if you are not a doctor and you are going to do some health procedure, such as an exam or surgery. It is your right and duty of the doctor to answer all your questions and guide you about your diagnosis, prognosis, means and forms of available treatments and risks. Information helps to protect your physical and moral integrity.
Top Questions
What is informed consent?
It is the process by which a person gives permission or refuses to undergo a medical procedure, based on instructions received on their diagnosis, prognosis, means and forms of treatment available and risks. It is a right guaranteed by laws that protect the physical and moral integrity of the individual.
We are a family owned and operated business.
What do I need to know?
Treatment risks, chances of success, alternatives, what can happen during recovery and what can happen if you do not perform the procedure. This information is important for you to make a conscious decision.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Can I give up the procedure even after I have signed the term?
Yes. You can withdraw at any time without any type of penalty, even if you have signed the Consent Form.
Access the terms
of consent
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