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Plastic surgery

Proncor Hospital

Consultations with General Surgeon

General surgery

O que é?
Plastic Surgery Proncor Hospital

Plastic Surgery at Proncor Hospital is structured to offer the full range of services in this specialty and to perform highly complex surgeries and consultations with specialists.

If necessary, you can also count on our Diagnostic Examination Center , which has several exams, reduced fasting time, new devices, online results, emergency delivery and 24h exams. In addition to having hospital support and specialized technical staff. Everything quickly and easily.

About the Plastic Surgeon

The main objective of plastic surgery is the restoration of defects and deformities related to trauma, burns, congenital malformations, resection of tumors and natural aging. Plastic Surgery at Proncor Hospital provides high quality care through careful evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the area.

Performance of the Plastic Surgeon

The Plastic Surgeon works in all areas, with emphasis on the treatment of trauma and fractures of the face, acute and chronic wounds, reconstructions after the removal of tumors, breast reconstruction, nasal reconstruction, treatment of burns, reconstruction of the trunk and extremities, reconstructive microsurgery , post-bariatric plastic surgery, treatment of baldness and deformities secondary to aging.

What are the health insurance plans and plans attended to?

Proncor Hospital is a hospital in Campo Grande / MS that serves a wide list of health plans and health plans. Click here to check it out.




Alguns de nossos serviços


Ressonância Magnética, Tomografia, Endoscopia, Raio-X, Ultrassom, Teste ergométrico, Holter, MAPA, Ecocardiografia, Hemodinâmica e mais.

Encontre um médico
e marque sua consulta:
Cardiologista, Neuro, Otorrino, Gineco, Gastro, Urologista e mais especialidades para auxiliar na prevenção, controle e tratamento à sua saúde



Oferecemos atendimento 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, em três unidades, sendo duas delas dedicadas ao atendimento adulto e uma ao atendimento pediátrico.

Linha de cuidado aos pacientes com 60 anos ou mais, com fisioterapeuta, fonoaudiólogo, nutricionista, geriatra, cardiologista e enfermeira, que acompanham a saúde e planejam com o paciente a jornada de cuidados

Proncor Hospital | CNPJ 03.121.241 / 0001-87 | Campo Grande / MS | Made by | All rights reserved © 2020

Technical director

Joanna Beatriz Curado Elias

CRM-MS 6300

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